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three beam中文是什么意思

用"three beam"造句"three beam"怎么读"three beam" in a sentence


  • 三射束
  • "three"中文翻译    n. 1.三个人[东西]。 2.三岁,三时。 3.【板球 ...
  • "beam"中文翻译    n. 1.梁,栋梁,桁条;(船的)横梁。 2.船幅;(动 ...
  • "three-beam" 中文翻译 :    三束
  • "beam of three spans" 中文翻译 :    三跨梁
  • "tb three beam projector" 中文翻译 :    三束投影仪
  • "three converging electron beam" 中文翻译 :    三会聚电子束
  • "three light-beam source" 中文翻译 :    三束光源
  • "three-beam tube" 中文翻译 :    三射束管; 三束管; 三注管
  • "three-dimensional beam splitter" 中文翻译 :    束三向分割
  • "three-beam k-edge energy subtraction" 中文翻译 :    三束k缘能量减影法
  • "beam" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.梁,栋梁,桁条;(船的)横梁。 2.船幅;(动物、人的)体幅。 3.(秤)杆,杠杆,(织机的)卷轴,经轴;(鹿角的)主干;车辕;犁柄;锄把。 4.(光线的)束,道,柱;【物理学】波束,射束。 5.(笑容、表情等的)焕现。 6.【无线电】有效播听范围。 7.【航空】信号电波,指向电波。 a beam of light 一束光线。 the common beam 标准秤;准则。 beam and scales 天平。 a beam of delight 高兴的表情,笑逐颜开。 an erector beam 【火箭】(发射时调整导弹位置的)千斤顶。 radio beam 无线电领航信号。 a landing beam 【航空】降落指示波。 abaft the beam = before the beam. a beam in one's eye 自己本身的大缺点〔与他人目中之刺相比,自己眼中有梁,源出《圣经》马太福音〕。 before the beam 【航海】正横前。 broad in the beam 〔口语〕臀部阔大。 fly the beam 【航空】按指向电波飞行。 fly the wet beam 【航空】顺着河流飞行。 kick [strike] the beam 1. (秤一方)翘起;过轻,不足抗衡,无足轻重。 2. 输,遭受失败。 off the beam 脱离航向,不顺利;不对头;做错。 on the beam 1. 【航海】与龙骨垂直地,正横地。 2. 在航向上;对头,做对。 on the port [larboard] beam 【航海】左舷正横前。 on the starboard beam 【航海】右舷正横前。 on the weather beam 【航海】迎着正横风。 ride the beam = fly the beam. vi. 1.辐射,发光,闪光。 2.微笑,眉开眼笑。 vt. 1.发射(光线、电波)。 2.向…放[播]送。 3.(用雷达)探测。 4.(用波束)导航(飞机等)。 beam the program at America 向美国播送节目。 the sun beaming overhead 红日当头照。 beam upon 看着…微笑。 beam with joy 眉飞色舞,笑逐颜开。
  • "beam on" 中文翻译 :    船侧靠; 微笑
  • "on the beam" 中文翻译 :    必须用泵抽油的; 航向正确; 沿着无线电波束; 正横地
  • "t beam" 中文翻译 :    t 型梁; t 形钢; t型梁; t形梁; t字梁; 丁字梁; 形材(t形钢); 字形梁
  • "t-beam" 中文翻译 :    t形梁; 丁安梁; 丁字梁; 形材(包括t形钢; 字梁形材
  • "t-beam t" 中文翻译 :    型梁
  • "the beam" 中文翻译 :    雄鸡驮木梁
  • "at three" 中文翻译 :    在三点; 在三时
  • "of the three" 中文翻译 :    在三者里面
  • "the three" 中文翻译 :    精灵三戒; 三只小猫
  • "three" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.三个人[东西]。 2.三岁,三时。 3.【板球】3字型。 three and six 〔英国〕三先令六辨士〔3s. 6d.〕。 three ten 〔英国〕三镑十先令〔£3 10s.〕。 a child of three 三岁的孩子。 the One in T- =the T- in One 【宗教】(上帝的)三位一体。 by [in] threes=three by three 每三个(人);三个三个地。
  • "beam to beam co ection" 中文翻译 :    梁间结合
  • "beam to beam connection" 中文翻译 :    梁间结合
  • "beam to beam moment connection" 中文翻译 :    梁间刚性结合
  • "beam-and-rail; track beam" 中文翻译 :    轨梁


  • If the three beams are on track , then the two subsidiary photodetectors have equal amounts of light and will be quite bright because they are only tracking on land
  • The precast and pretressed continuous beam is differente from the monolithic prestressed continuous beam in capability . so there shoule be difference in performance on load . because of little research in this field , i designed and tested three beams which is two - span continuous beams
  • When whole analysis is carried through the beam - lattice method and bridge surface is made of box beams with one box and two cells , according to the principle of constant bending rigidity and every part revolving the same neutral axis , a box beam can be simplified into three beams in the places of corresponding webs . thus effective transfer of shearing force can be ensured , and global property can be reached through that of three beams , this kind of method is simple and is able to ensure engineering precision ; secondly , the paper is based on elastic theory , adopts finite element method and carries through the first kind stability analysis towards zhongshan no . one bridge
  • This paper presents a manufacture and calculating method for castellated beams . according to the method , three beams are designed and tested , the detailed and trustworthy experimental data are obtained . in comparison of the castellated beam with the circular hole castellated beams during the process , that the yield of load and the strength limit for the latter are higher than the former is verified
    本文通过设计制造两种不同截面形式的3根蜂窝梁( 2根圆孔、 1根六边形孔) ,进行了两点集中荷载下的试验,取得了较为翔实可靠的试验数据,通过整理与分析,对两种蜂窝梁的整体受力性能和承载力作出评价,得出圆孔蜂窝梁的屈服荷载和极限承载力都高于六边形孔蜂窝梁的结论。
  • This dissertation focuses on the systemic experiments and theoretical analysis on strengthening reinforced concrete beams with high - performance ferrocement . the main research content and achievements can be summed up in the following aspects : 1 . experimental study on flexural strengthening of beams with ferrocement : based on the tests of sixty - three beams , the performance of beams flexural strengthening with ferrocement has been tested
    本文对采用这种新材料加固的钢筋混凝土梁进行了系统的试验研究和理论分析,研究的主要内容和成果如下: 1 .复合砂浆钢筋(丝)网加固混凝土梁抗弯试验研究:在63根梁的试验基础上,研究了复合砂浆钢筋(丝)网加固对混凝土梁抗弯性能的影响和作用。
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